Arithmetic and conditional operators

Calculated Fields for ACF supports two different classes of operators, arithmetic and conditional.

Arithmetic operators

The arithmetic operators corresponds to the basic math operators that you are probably already very familiar with:

Operator Name Description
+ Addition Returns the sum of two numbers
Subtraction Returns the difference between two numbers
* Multiplication Returns the product of two numbers
/ Division Returns the quotient of two numbers

Conditional operators

An expression can also contain an expression using a conditional operator. Conditional operators will return either 1 or 0 representing true or false. The supported conditional operators are:

Operator Name Description
== Equals Returns 1 when two values are equal, 0 otherwise
!= Not equals Returns 1 when two values are not equal, 0 otherwise
> Greater than Returns 1 when the first operand is greater than the second operand, 0 otherwise
< Less than Returns 1 when the first operand is lower than the second operand, 0 otherwise
>= Greater than or equal Returns 1 when the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand, 0 otherwise
<= Less than or equal Returns 1 when the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand, 0 otherwise